Source code for pygmm.model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Basic models."""
import collections
import logging
import os
from typing import List
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from .types import ArrayLike

[docs]class Scenario(collections.UserDict): r"""An eathquake scenario used in all ground motion models. Parameters ---------- depth_1_0 : float depth to the 1.0 km∕s shear-wave velocity horizon beneath the site, :math:`Z_{1.0}` in (km). depth_2_5 : float depth to the 2.5 km∕s shear-wave velocity horizon beneath the site, :math:`Z_{2.5}` in (km). depth_tor : float depth to the top of the rupture plane (:math:`Z_{tor}`, km). depth_bor : float depth to the bottom of the rupture plane (:math:`Z_{bor}`, km). depth_bot : float depth to bottom of seismogenic crust (km). dip : float fault dip angle (:math:`\phi`, deg). dist_jb : float Joyner-Boore distance to the rupture plane (:math:`R_\text{JB}`, km) dist_crjb : float centroid Joyner-Boore distance, which is the shortest distance between the centroid of Joyner-Boore rupture surface of the potential Class 2 earthquakes and the closest point on the edge of the Joyner-Boore rupture surface of the main shock (:math:`CR_\text{JB}`, km) dist_epi : float epicentral distance to the rupture plane (:math:`R_\text{epi}`, km) dist_hyp : float hypocentral distance to the rupture plane (:math:`R_\text{hyp}`, km). dist_rup : float closest distance to the rupture plane (:math:`R_\text{rup}`, km) dist_x : float site coordinate measured perpendicular to the fault strike from the fault line with the down-dip direction being positive (:math:`R_x`, km). dist_y0 : float horizontal distance off the end of the rupture measured parallel to strike (:math:`R_{y0}`, km). dpp_centered : float direct point parameter (DPP) for directivity effect (see Chiou and Spudich (2014, :cite:`spudich14`)) centered on the earthquake-specific average DPP for California. event_type : str event type. Type of event used in subduction models to distinguish between intraslab and interface events. is_aftershock : bool if the scenario is an aftershock. mag : float moment magnitude of the event (:math:`M_w`) mechanism : str fault mechanism. Valid options: "SS", "NS", "RS", and "U". See :ref:`Mechanism` for more information. on_hanging_wall : bool If the site is located on the hanging wall of the fault. If *None*, then *False* is assumed. pga_ref : float peak ground accelearion in *g* at the model-specific reference condition. region : str region. Valid options are specified in a specific GMM. site_cond : str site condition. String description of the site condition. Valid options are specified in a specific GMM. tectonic_region : str tectonic region. Tectonic setting of the site typically used in subductin models. v_s30 : float time-averaged shear-wave velocity over the top 30 m of the site (:math:`V_{s30}`, m/s). vs_source : str source of the `v_s30` value. Valid options include: "measured", "inferred" width : float down-dip width of the fault. """ KNOWN_KEYS = [ "depth_1_0", "depth_2_5", "depth_tor", "depth_bor", "depth_bot", "depth_hyp", "dip", "dist_crjb", "dist_jb", "dist_epi", "dist_hyp", "dist_rup", "dist_x", "dist_y0", "dpp_centered", "event_type", "is_aftershock", "mag", "mechanism", "on_hanging_wall", "pga_ref", "region", "site_cond", "tectonic_region", "v_s30", "vs_source", "width", ] def __init__(self, **kwds): """Initialize the scenario.""" super().__init__(kwds) self._check_keys(self.keys()) def __getattr__(self, item): """Access the data with attributes.""" return[item] def __repr__(self): """Representation.""" return "<Scenario(mag={mag}, dist_jb={dist_jb})>".format(**
[docs] def copy_with(self, **kwds): self._check_keys(kwds.keys()) other = self.copy() other.update(**kwds) return other
def _check_keys(self, keys): for k in keys: if k not in self.KNOWN_KEYS: raise Warning("%s is not a recognized scenario key!" % k)
[docs]class Model(object): #: Long name of the model NAME = "" #: Short name of the model ABBREV = "" #: Limits of model applicability LIMITS = dict() #: Model parameters PARAMS = []
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the model.""" super(Model, self).__init__() if len(args) == 1: scenario = args[0] else: scenario = Scenario(**kwargs) # Select the used parameters and check them against the recommended # values self._scenario = Scenario( **{ scenario.get(, None) for p in self.PARAMS} ) self._check_inputs()
def _check_inputs(self): for p in self.PARAMS: self._scenario[] = p.check(self._scenario[]) @property def scenario(self): return self._scenario
[docs]class GroundMotionModel(Model): """Abstract class for ground motion prediction models.""" #: Indices for the spectral accelerations INDICES_PSA = np.array([]) #: Indices of the periods PERIODS = np.array([]) #: Index of the peak ground acceleration INDEX_PGA = None #: Index of the peak ground velocity INDEX_PGV = None #: Index of the peak ground displacement INDEX_PGD = None #: Scale factor to apply to get PGV in cm/sec PGV_SCALE = 1.0 #: Scale factor to apply to get PGD in cm PGD_SCALE = 1.0 def __init__(self, scenario: Scenario): """Initialize the model.""" super(GroundMotionModel, self).__init__(scenario) self._ln_resp = None self._ln_std = None
[docs] def interp_ln_spec_accels( self, periods: ArrayLike, kind: Optional[str] = "linear" ) -> np.ndarray: """Interpolate the spectral acceleration. Interpolation of the spectral acceleration is done in natural log space. Parameters ---------- periods : array_like spectral periods to interpolate the response. kind : str, optional see :func:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` for description of kind. Options include: 'linear' (default), 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', and 'cubic' Returns ------- ln_spec_accels : np.ndarray interpolated spectral accelerations """ return interp1d( np.log(self.periods), self._ln_resp[self.INDICES_PSA], kind=kind, copy=False, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan, )(np.log(periods))
[docs] def interp_spec_accels( self, periods: ArrayLike, kind: Optional[str] = "linear" ) -> np.ndarray: """Interpolate the spectral acceleration. Interpolation of the spectral acceleration is done in natural log space. Parameters ---------- periods : array_like spectral periods to interpolate the response. kind : str, optional see :func:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` for description of kind. Options include: 'linear' (default), 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', and 'cubic' Returns ------- spec_accels : np.ndarray interpolated spectral accelerations """ return np.exp(self.interp_ln_spec_accels(periods, kind))
[docs] def interp_ln_stds( self, periods: ArrayLike, kind: Optional[str] = "linear" ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Interpolate the logarithmic standard deviation. Interpolate the logarithmic standard deviation (:math:`\sigma_{\ln}`) of spectral acceleration at the provided damping at specified periods. Parameters ---------- periods : array_like spectral periods to interpolate the response. kind : str, optional see :func:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` for description of kind. Options include: 'linear' (default), 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', and 'cubic' Returns ------- ln_stds : np.ndarray interpolated logarithmic standard deviations """ if self._ln_std is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return interp1d( np.log(self.periods), self._ln_std[self.INDICES_PSA], kind=kind, copy=False, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan, )(np.log(periods))
@property def periods(self) -> np.ndarray: """Periods specified by the model.""" return self.PERIODS[self.INDICES_PSA] @property def spec_accels(self) -> np.ndarray: """Pseudo-spectral accelerations computed by the model (g).""" return self._resp(self.INDICES_PSA) @property def ln_stds(self) -> np.ndarray: """Pseudo-spectral accelerations log-standard deviation.""" if self._ln_std is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return self._ln_std[self.INDICES_PSA] @property def pga(self) -> float: """Peak ground acceleration (PGA) computed by the model (g).""" if self.INDEX_PGA is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return self._resp(self.INDEX_PGA) @property def ln_std_pga(self) -> float: """Peak ground accelaration log-standard deviation.""" if self.INDEX_PGA is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return self._ln_std[self.INDEX_PGA] @property def pgv(self) -> float: """Peak ground velocity (PGV) computed by the model (cm/sec).""" if self.INDEX_PGV is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return self._resp(self.INDEX_PGV) * self.PGV_SCALE @property def ln_std_pgv(self) -> float: """Peak ground velocity log-standard deviation.""" if self.INDEX_PGV is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return self._ln_std[self.INDEX_PGV] @property def pgd(self) -> float: """Peak ground displacement (PGD) computed by the model (cm).""" if self.INDEX_PGD is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return self._resp(self.INDEX_PGD) * self.PGD_SCALE @property def ln_std_pgd(self) -> float: """Peak ground displacement log-standard deviation.""" if self.INDEX_PGD is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return self._ln_std[self.INDEX_PGD] def _resp(self, index) -> np.ndarray: if index is not None: return np.exp(self._ln_resp[index])
[docs]class Parameter(object): """Model parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str parameter name required : bool if the parameter is required default : None (optional) default value. Use *None* for no default value. """ def __init__(self, name, required=False, default=None): """Initialize the parameter.""" super(Parameter, self).__init__() self._name = name self._required = required self._default = default
[docs] def check(self, value): """Check the value against the limits.""" if value is None and self.required: raise ValueError(, "is a required parameter") if value is None: value = self.default return value
@property def default(self): """Value to use as default.""" return self._default @property def name(self): """Parameter name.""" return self._name @property def required(self): """If the parameter is required.""" return self._required
[docs]class NumericParameter(Parameter): """Numeric parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str parameter name required : bool if the parameter is required default : float or int (optional) default value. Use *None* for no default value. """ def __init__( self, name: str, required: bool = False, min_: Optional[float] = None, max_: Optional[float] = None, default: Optional[float] = None, ): """Initialize parameter.""" super(NumericParameter, self).__init__(name, required, default) self._min = min_ self._max = max_ @property def min(self) -> float: """Minimum value.""" return self._min @property def max(self) -> float: """Maximum value.""" return self._max
[docs] def check(self, value) -> float: """Check the value against the limits.""" value = super(NumericParameter, self).check(value) if value is not None: if self.min is not None and value < self.min: logging.warning( "%s (%g) is less than the recommended limit (%g).",, value, self.min, ) elif self.max is not None and self.max < value: logging.warning( "%s (%g) is greater than the recommended limit (%g).",, value, self.max, ) return value
[docs]class CategoricalParameter(Parameter): """Categorical parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str parameter name required : bool if the parameter is required options : list[str] list of options default : str (optional) default option. Use *None* for no default value. """ def __init__( self, name: str, required: bool = False, options: Optional[List[str]] = None, default: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initialize parameter.""" super(CategoricalParameter, self).__init__(name, required, default) self._options = options or [] @property def options(self) -> List[str]: """Possible options.""" return self._options
[docs] def check(self, value) -> str: """Check the value against the limits.""" value = super(CategoricalParameter, self).check(value) if value not in self.options: alert = logging.error if self.required else logging.warning alert( '%s value of "%s" is not one of the options. The following' " options are possible: %s",, value, ", ".join([str(o) for o in self._options]), ) if not self.required: logging.warning("Using default value for %s", value = self.default return value
[docs]def load_data_file(name, skip_header=None) -> np.recarray: """Load a data file. Returns ------- data : :class:`numpy.recarray` data values """ fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", name) return np.recfromcsv(fname, skip_header=skip_header, case_sensitive=True).view( np.recarray )